WhatsApp recently introduced new security features for its users, and now there are reports that the Meta-owned platform is testing a new animated emoji feature. The feature was spotted on the latest desktop beta version of the app.
According to WABetaInfo, a website that tracks changes in WhatsApp, the messaging app is working on the animated emoji feature. The website found the feature on WhatsApp Desktop beta and it is expected to be released in a future update. WABetaInfo mentioned in a blog post that this cosmetic improvement will enhance the user experience and make messaging more fun and effective in communicating feelings.
The animated emojis will be sent by default when an animated version of a specific emoji is available, meaning users may not have the option to turn off the animation. These animated emojis are created using Lottie, an optimized library that allows designers to easily create small-sized animations without compromising quality.
WABetaInfo also revealed that WhatsApp is working on bringing the same animated emoji feature to a future update of WhatsApp beta for iOS and Android.
In addition to the animated emoji feature, WhatsApp has recently rolled out three new security features to enhance user privacy. These features include Account Protect, Device Verification, and Automatic Security Codes. These security features will be added in the coming months.
Account Protect prompts users on their previous devices to confirm their intention to proceed with the account transfer, serving as an additional security measure. It notifies users if there is an unauthorized attempt to move their account to a different device. WhatsApp is also introducing a new security feature using the “Key Transparency” process, which automatically verifies that users have established a secure connection. Users can easily confirm the security of their personal conversations by clicking on the encryption tab. These measures are aimed at preventing hackers from using users’ phones to send unsolicited messages through their WhatsApp accounts.